Strong healthy bodies don't mind
lifting boxes,
loading groceries,
or cradling our babies.
Healthy joints can
bend to pick up a pen that has dropped to the floor,
rush to catch a flight,
scale an unexpected flight of stairs,
or push a desk across the room.
Healthy minds can
articulate their thoughts,
comprehend what is being heard and said,
respect others even if they disagree with their opinions,
and react to their environment quickly.
All of this can be done no matter the age or gender because we are strong and valiant through Christ who strengthens us.
Consistent exercise of our bodies will encourage our bodies to function well for us.
Consistent communication keeps the mind sharp.
Walk and Talk provides the opportunity for us to exercise both our bodies and our minds as we walk into a healthier body and discuss the Bible and life experiences.
Dictionary: Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
val·or /ˈvalər/ noun
great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
"the medals are awarded for acts of valor"
Similar: bravery; courage; fearlessness; courageousness; braveness; intrepidity

A healthy body needs consistent maintenance. Here are a few areas to explore.

Finding it difficult to lose weight?
Trouble finding consistency in eating healthy or exercising?
Achy and stiff joints, muscles and bones?
Then Walking and Talking may be just what you need.
It includes a weigh-in challenge every two weeks with at least $10 on the line if your weight goal is not met.
Come join us this spring in a 12 week, fun, encouraging, uplifting atmosphere where you get to compete with your very own pocketbook while discussing God's Word.
Even if you lose, it’s still a win because donations will go towards one of our awesome Cornerstone ministries. Let's get to walkin and talkin!